Conference On Java Technology, Pune India, Oct 07

IndicThreads Conference On Java TechnologyI am pleased to inform you about the Conference On Java Technology 2007 that will be held on 26th and 27th October 2007 at Pune, India.

The conference is an independent event with indepth vendor-neutral technical sessions about Web Services, Ajax, SOA, EJB, Mashups, Frameworks, JSF, Data Caching, Dependency Injection, Patterns and various other aspects of Java software development.

The event is a gathering of the best Java brains in the business and a place to learn from technology thought leaders about the latest and greatest in Java technology. It is also a great place to network and meet like-minded people from across companies and industry segments.

Registrations for the Conference On Java Technology 2007 are open. Register now to grab the very early bird discount that closes on the 31st of Aug 07.

The conference website is Do check it out.

Being the editor of IndicThreads and a speaker at the event, I certainly will be around at the conference. Look forward to seeing you there.

Pune Corporation becomes

For reasons only known to the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), the PMC has now changed the official website from to and killed is definitely a better name than egovpmc, but why kill the established They could have just redirected to the new site. PMC also hasn’t shown the sense to buy the domain name So please note that is the official site while is a fake.

However if you are hoping to get some work done on the corporation site, it doesn’t matter if or is the official site, because both sites are currently not working.

I think it’s time to use the Right To Information and check which politician’s family member is minting money by bagging these contracts for the PMC websites and delivering rubbish in return.

Call For Speakers For The Conference On Java Technology Closes Tomorrow invites submissions for the Conference On Java Technology 2007 to be held on 26th and 27th October 2007 at the Symbiosis Infotech Campus, Hinjewadi IT Park, Pune, India. The conference is the premier independent conference on Java technology in Asia and is the place to be, to learn the latest in the Java world while meeting with like-minded individuals from across the industry. You can find details of last year’s conference at

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Blame It On The IT Wallas

Blame It On The IT wallas

“IT walon ney sab mehanga kar diya hai” said the travel agent after charging me a hefty sum for a Volvo bus ticket. Apparently it was peak season and any bus destination that was remotely interesting to the IT walas in Pune was selling at many times the normal rate. The agent was of the chatty kind and after inquiring about things ranging from the origins of my family to the reason for the trip, he said that the common Puneite won’t pay any amount that he asked for, but the IT walas blow money like crazy and will pay thousands without any hesitation. So naturally everything has become expensive.

IT people sure have made life difficult for most others. Few other industries can match the pay packets or the glamour associated with IT today. Take any product or service that would interest an IT professional and you would see that the price has at least doubled every 2 to 3 years …(Continued in the scanned article image on the left)

Write Java Code – Win Music Players, Books and an iPod is currently running a Java code contest in association with Devsquare. As part of the contest a new question is presented every week. The Java code solution you provide is evaluated on various factors like code correctness, compliance with standards, coding efficiency, and coding productivity – and rated. The best entries win a book every week, music players every month and an iPod for the series. The questions deal with core java / servlets / jsp.

To participate, your web browser is all you require. No additional machine setup is required.

Try it out. Entry is free of charge and is open to Java developers from across the globe.

>> Click here to be a part of the contest

The reason for migrating from India is not money or career, but a loss of faith in India

Leaving home for foreign shores - Herald Column 17-Mar-07“My column in the Herald dated 17th March 2007”

A few days back, a friend told me about his plans to head for a foreign country because he has had
enough of India. He isn’t one of the ‘crazy about US’ kinds who think that all things American are
cool or who only talks about English music and Hollywood. He is as connected to India as most of us.
Yet he is convinced that he has to move out of India.

That discussion has got me thinking about the topic of young Indians migrating from India. This article is my attempt to put down the various factors that are at work in this matter. I will discuss the history of Indian migrations and then look at why people migrate and why they don’t. If you are expecting a yes or no answer about migrating, I unfortunately can’t provide that.

Although I am taking an Indian perspective, I think most points would be relevant to all developing nations.

Also please note that I am trying to take an objective view on the subject and not a patriotic or
emotional one

(Continued… Click here “Leaving home for foreign shores” for the entire article). Published as part of my fortnightly column for the Maharashtra Herald)

The “Java Is Open” Contest – Win Great Books & Conference Pass

Java Is Now Open Source. To mark the occasion, is running a contest on Java technology, where you just answer four questions and can win –

1) A copy of “Beginning EJB 3 Application Development: From Novice to Professional” by Raghu R. Kodali, Jonathan R. Wetherbee and Peter Zadrozny

2) A copy of “Java Persistence with Hibernate” by Christian Bauer and Gavin King

3) A full conference pass to the Conference On Java Technology

5 second prizes – Get a 25% discount on the regular conference registration pass!

Authors of the above books, namely Gavin King and Raghu Kodali will be speaking at the conference. Apart from Raghu and Gavin, there are a number of other book authors whom you could meet at the event.

Check out the speaker list at .

Java Persistence With Hibernate (Manning)
Beginning EJB3 (Apress)
Full Conference Pass

Enter The Contest

India’s first independent conference on Java technology – Pune – 1st & 2nd December 2006

Ever wondered why apart from a handful of open-source events, no learning-oriented technology conferences happen in India?

We are mostly stuck with conferences that are promotional events or marketing shows with free 5-star lunch, goodies and t-shirts in return for spending hours listening to why company X’s product Y is the best and how company X’s products are changing the world.

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